Salvia extract tablet, also known as compound Danshen tablet is one of the best products available in the market to nourish blood, consolidate heart functions and regulate Qi life force. Compound danshen is made by extracting the active ingredients of salvia miltiorhiza (Danshen) and sanchi (Panax Notoginseng).

Sanchi extract is made using the latest ultra – low temperature carbon dioxide extraction technology based on the ancient traditional Chinese medicine theory, which is the crystallization of ancient tradition Chinese medicine theory and modern pharmaceutical technology.

Danshen tablet contains tanshinone, protocatechuic aidehyde, protocatechuic acid, tanshinol, vitamin E and other ingredient essentially; danshen helps the flow of blood and regulates menstruations. The product effectively depletes blood statis, cleanses carbuncle and arrests irritability and nourishes the blood and calm frail nerves.

Danshen most effective ingredients such as sanchi (Panax Notoginseng) are rich in Notoginsenoside, flavonoid and so on, which helps the body arrest bleeding, promote the circulation of blood around swelling and eliminate pains. Danshen helps lower blood lipid and regularize blood sugar and the immune function of the body.

Functional Uses of Danshen

Control the flow of blood and arrest bleeding

Boost immune system and deplete fatigue in the body

Very effective anti – aging and anti – anoxia in composition

Danshen is efficacious for circulation problems and heart pains, brain attacks, (stroke), chest pain and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The product is also used in treating menstrual disorder, chronic liver diseases, sleeplessness, tight chest and rapid heart beating.


Useful in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, stroke and angina pectoris patients, suppressant to hypertension, ischemic stroke, menstrual pains and fatty liver diseases, hepatitis and ache.

Promoting blood circulation to dissolve blood stasis

Arrest excessive bleeding

Reduces swelling & eliminate pain

Promote blood flow to regulate menstruation

Lowers blood pressure

Nourishing blood & calming the nerve system

Clearing away heat to arrest irritability

Nourishing & strengthening the body

Lowering blood lipid &blood sugar.