In TCM kidney is considered to be “primeval basis”, that means the natural health, which is passed on to us by our parents. Kidney determines the function of fertility, the production of medulla depends on the seed which is stored in the kidney, and medulla performs the main functions, such as – supplementing the organism with vital energy – Juanj Ci. Oral liquid “Sanbao” is rich in the most important components, such as Chinese cordyceps and Mountain Ants extract, this is why it helps to regulate the work of kidney and the production of medulla. The preparation influences kidney directly and is characterized by a good restoration function in the cases of “kidney emptiness” syndrome, poor seed (sperm) production, male infertility, rapid tiredness, hum in the ears, shimmer in the eyes, fatigue, etc. It is possible to state, that oral liquid “Sanbao” is a classical representative of the preparations, which are intended for the “regulatory” function, also is a unique product that carries out a “restoring” function. They used to say in the ancient times: “There are three treasures in the sky: the sun, the moon, and the stars; a person has three treasures: a body (seed, Czin), a soul (energy, Ci) and a spirit (Senj)”. Oral liquid “Sanbao” carries out the restoring function of the body, the soul and the spirit. One bottle contains 30ml of oral liquid “Sanbao”, which concentrates the same amount of valuable ingredients as 45ml of oral liquid “Phoenix” and additionally about 300 of Mountain ant extract. In this way, on the basis of preparation “Phoenix” which is intended for regulation, a preparation which also combines the “restoring” function was developed. When restoring “body – soul – spirit” functions, we achieve a healthcare effect: strong health, freedom from diseases, healthy life continuity and longevity. It is recommended for people who suffer from rheumatic diseases, hepatitis B, diabetes, during the cancer radio and chemotherapy, for those with poor health and who are frequently ill.