Sanqing Oral Liquid Health Benefits and Functions. Price of Sanqing Oral Liquid in Accra, Kumasi (Ghana)
 Sanqing Oral Liquid

Usage: up to two bottles per day. Usually it is used 10 days; it makes up one course, which can be repeated. For more intense effect, 3 day break is recommended between the courses. A full cleaning course lasts not less than 15 days.

Expiration date: 18 months from the production date.

Storing conditions: in a dry and cool place.

The product is recommended to people suffering from obstipation and hyperlipemia, in the cases of digestive tract inflammation, acne, pigmental marks. Complete organism cleaning and toxin elimination is guaranteed in the cases when the oral liquid is used with fruit paste “Meigui”. Oral liquid “Sanqing” works in three main ways: cleans the intestine; cleans the organism from toxins; cleans the blood from lipid surplus.

Oral liquid “Sanqing” is produced with the help of natural plant membrane cryoextraction technologies, their splitting nanotechnologies and further substance condensation. The product contains more than 10 TCM components: immune system regulators –Hericium (Hericium erinaceus), or fungus called Lion mane, main ingredients; aloe gel and oligosaccharids, also some other additional components (Chrysanthemum and others). With the help of high technologies it is possible to retain all the active components of the substance, which can be easily absorbed by the organism. This BVP is an absolutely natural regenerating healthcare food product.

Components: Aloe vera gel, Oligosaccharides, Extract of folium ginkgo biloba leaves, Black jelly fungus, Herba Abri, Chrysanthemum, Extract of Cordyceps Sinensis, Chitin.

Aloe stimulates the organism, slows down aging processes. Besides, Aloe helps in the cases of constipation, haemmorhoids, wounds, hearth and blood vessel diseases, etc.

Oligosaccharids –high quality water-soluble, noticeably heeling nutritious fiber, which improves the work of the digestive tract. It is a preventive measure against laxity and constipation; also it reduces the lipid amount in the blood, strengthens immunity, etc.

The effect of the preparation

After the first usage of the preparation in 2-3 hours the decomposition of stagnant excrement in the intestine begins, followed by flatulence.

After 2-3 days of product usage, stagnant excrement separation from the intestine walls begins, there appears a wish to evacuate (excrement is liquid). A lot of dark stinking excrement is excreted. After 4-10 days of product usage, inflammation processes in the stomach and intestine are suppressed, unpleasant smell from the mouth disappears, constipation and laxity gradually disappear, excrement acquires normal color and shape.

After 2-3 courses the work of digestive tract noticeably normalizes, motions get regular and easy. Gradually skin roughness disappears, which was caused by constipation and toxin accumulation in the organism. The quality of complexion is improved, it gets pink. Breath gets normal. Gradually skin blemishes, acne, rash disappear because the causes are eliminated.

Oral liquid “Sanqing” is the most effective natural preparation created in China for organism cleaning.

It's a natural and powerful free radicals eliminator and detoxifier with three highly useful functions: Intestine Cleansing, Detoxification and Dispersion of Blood Lipids. It can efficiently absorb a variety of toxins in the human body and then expel them, lower blood viscosity, regulate Yin and Yang in two directions, balance human bodily functions, and help maintain rejuvenation and fitness. it can also eliminate constipation, gastritis, enteritis, it is with no chemical or hormonal ingredients, it is an entirely natural health care product. Why should the intestinal tracts be cleared? The length of human intestinal tract extend as long as about 5-6 meters, and one fold exist at intervals of 3.5 centimeters (about 100 folds in the entire intestinal tract).

This fold may accumulate up to about 6kg of food debris, which ferment, rot, dry and form black, foul and toxic substances. These corrupt materials will continue to be absorbed by the intestinal tract into the body if they are not timely expelled.

External causes of internal toxins

(1) Air Pollution: This is a contaminated or carbon polluted atmosphere caused by the use of fossil oil through vehicles, factory machineries, generators, burning of woods, kerosene stoves or lanterns etc. This poisonous gas is not only the cause of numerous health problems of humanity but also the cause of depletion of the ozone layer which results to global warming and unusual natural disaster.

(2) Electro Magnetic Field(EMF): These are waves emitted by electrical appliances such as TV rays, radio waves, micro waves, mobile phones, computers, Telecommunication mast etc. These rays are invisible and mostly contacted in homes, they can penetrate human body to cause chronic health problems. They are highly cancerous.

(3) Foods: Lack of daily balanced diet, Pesticide residue and overuse of fertilizer in(fruits grain, vegetables, tea, etc), the growth stage of poultry's fodder consumption is shorten by much chemicals etc.

(4) Water: Heavy pollution (industrial wastewater, especially the toxic wastewater and pollution of water resources, etc).

(5) Dirt & Germs: These are micro-organisms that causes health problems through dirty lifestyle and not staying hygienic. These germs can be contacted through unhealthy foods, dirty hands and careless attitude about your health.